Friday, July 9, 2010

Smiling Everyday

Caitlyn Rose is 3 months old today, July 9th 2010!! Caitlyn is smiling and laughing every day. She is turning over on her right side in her crib. Caitlyn is so strong already, when I lay her flat on her back she kicks her legs and actually slides herself up a ways on her back. She is so smart that she has found her thumb; she has a beat with her arms and legs to music and she knows her grandparents faces very well. Caitlyn is getting more and more beautiful every day. We opened a savings account for her the other day, and our goal is to have a good amount saved by the time she is 18. We are so glad you are in our lives and we love you baby girl!


Rayling said...

She looks "older" now!! ^_* Wow! Three months already?! Miss you, dear buddy and your baby! I am glad that I got to hold her and visit you for a several hours before I leave for Asia... : )
Rayling (sent from Japan)

Arreola Family said...
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Caitlyn and Me said...

thanks rayling! she is technically not 3 months tell the 16th, but 12 weeks close enough! ;)